Contract for Services



This contract for the personal services of musicians, made this ______ day of ____________ 20_____ between the undersigned Employer (hereinafter called the 'Employer') and musicians (hereinafter called 'Employees'). Witnessed that the Employer hires the Employees as musicians severally on the terms and conditions below. The Leader represents that the Employees already designated have agreed to be bound by the said terms and conditions. The Employees severally agree to render collectively to the Employer services as musicians as the band known as ______________________________________


Name and address of place of engagement: _____________________________________


Date of employment: _____________________________________________


Hours of employment: ____________________________________________


Start time: _______________ Intermission(s): ________________


Wages agreed upon: _____________________________________


This wage does include expenses agreed to be reimbursed by the

Employer in accordance with the attached schedule, or a schedule

to be furnished the Employer on or before the date of engagement.


Band Name _______________________________________________


Leaders Name _____________________________________________


Leaders Signature __________________________________________


Mailing Address _____________________________________________


Phone _____________________


Employer's Name __________________________________________


Employer's Signature _______________________________________


Mailing Address _____________________________________________


Phone _____________________


Special Instructions: _________________________________________________________________



