Given: Barney is a CUTE PURPLE DINOSAUR Prove: Barney is satanic The Romans had no letter 'U', and used 'V' instead for printing, meaning the Roman representation would for Barney would be: CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR Extracting the Roman numerals, we have: CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR CV V L DI V And their decimal equivalents are: CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR CV V L DI V / | | | | \ | 100 5 5 50 500 1 5 Adding those numbers produces: 666. 666 is the number of the Beast. Proved: BARNEY IS SATAN! _oI/LIKE/=vo__ ?/$="'" """^SATAN$~\ .&?/' `""$$, ,/?/' /-"^\. .-=~\T, ,/?/' /SATAN| |/MY- ,?? ./?/' `\?IS#' `$?FRIENDi\. ,*?? `" ""' `b'\\$$&&\. ,Td' `&:`H' "&7, .__ ._. H|| . `*\H, `&$$S:7 |???? M|, ,--&|\ `&?b "":// .,o--vo\,PJ'H|, H|L ``'"H?b ,-`?\ ,&&' ,P?-""^==:=' ||b `L9, `H`&, |?:!|| ,P& `b?\ 9/? ??H, |L *b.,'"\ :$:& H]' `b$\o. */\. ??*b. 9. `\\:(| .,/$6d' |\T ``\Z\\ `\7b. ,To?&b. \(\:-.-S:-~=-"'',P MJ' `\?*b ?&&\. d\|/_ `\o_ `S&M\:SATAN/\IS,&' |LT `\?\\ ``\?\^I/HATE@:~:$=v\. `$k/MY&PAL@%#J' HJ' `\?\. `\b/$KIDS!-?&\. ._,~9$'' T|| d'M. 9`| `Hi:R&:&&6&="' ./$J| `^"\Z\. ||M `=Z\:"" HiT" `&H&>v_ bT, .. v,?|\ M|| .:Z|&\. ||H _DEATH~>TO9H| `?*\ ?$`#'H 9ALL|1KIDS* .$/ `bZ&\ ,o\&KILL&/' \?$.:?ooo/*""' `\$$b_ |\MAIM*:./' `"""' `' `~?&qDESTROY#/'