LEFTY was a Quincy band that ran from 1980 to 1982, doing a mixed bag set list and playing receptions, bars, xmas parties, etc. in the days before the mobile music machine came along. Originally consisting of "lefties" Gary Blomgren, Carson Gay and Jan Boyd, my coming on board kinda spoiled the gag (being a "righty"). Shortly after came Moses and then Dana (also "righties"), leaving Carson as the only left-handed member "left" in the band. Of course we kept the name anyway and had a good run. Near the end of Lefty's run, the late Candy Gronewald came on board, and would continue on with Dana, myself, Tim Betts and Jim Mendenhall in the band "Go for Broke" which ran from 1983 till 1985, then another couple years as "Plane Jane" with singer Karen Bentele.
These songs are from the Lefty line up of Carson Gay on main vocals and guitar, Dana Joiner on drums and vocals, myself on bass and vocals, and Richard "Moses" Junk on vocals and guitar, whose loving memory is the purpose of this web page.
At age 52, Moses passed away on November 28th, 2008 after a short but devastating and unbeatable bout with cancer. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends, and he will be dearly missed by everyone who had the good fortune of knowing him. jw
3/31/2020: I am saddened and somewhat stunned by the passing of Carson Gay this morning. I went to school with Carson, and we remained friends long after our various band projects had run their course. He was so much fun and a gifted singer, guitarist, and a monster harp player. Condolences to his family and to all who had the pleasure of knowing him. Be sure to say hi to Moses for me old friend. jw
This is your classic "Mongoloid" recording, that is to say it has been copied from copies so many times that its sonic integrity has degraded more than Missouri DNA (Hi Bota!). The originals are long gone, and these songs are 4th generation and sound quite saturated. Also, I don't post cover tunes, not out of any RIAA consideration, but out of respect for the original writers who may not like what's been done with their work. This is the exception to the rule, however, and I believe that Van Morrison himself would smile upon hearing Moses' rendition of Tupelo Honey.

whatever awaits us after this life, save me a seat because I'll probably be late.
until then, safe journeys my friend.