
3/29/99    And what about them flyin' saucers? There is so much information on the subject of government ufo cover-ups it's impossible to tell what's real, what's disinformation and what's just kooky. Although it would be absurd to think that all the stars in all the enormous universe are there simply so we have something to look at at night (especially since we can only see 1 millionth of 1 percent of them), I'm not ready to say yes in fact we ARE being visited from beyond. I still have a problem with that 'speed of light' thing. At this point in time we still don't know if space travel is actually even possible . If matter (and time and space for that matter) loses its structural integrity at the speed of light and ceases to exist, and if there's no such thing as a "wormhole" in space that can be used as a shortcut, then no one could survive a trip long enough to get here from even the closest star systems. In our case, though, what if they were ALREADY here. When I was a child I had this wacky notion that the planet Mars, being so much 'older' than Earth (it's a cool-down thing) may have evolved a race capable of local space travel. As Mars aged and its atmosphere slowly evaporated the temperatures cooled and the surface was subjected to centuries of meteor bombardment. This is what happens to small planets when they age. It was my theory that at least some of Mars' inhabitants were able to migrate to a then virgin earth. Who knows, they may have even bred with the existing "cavemen" to create what we call "modern man". (where were the Klansmen when you really needed them?) I had it in my mind that descendants of the original pure Martian race (not the hybrids) eventually evolved beyond the physical plane and left here to exist in a state of "temporal stealth" where they could still watch over their "children".

Now this could make for good writing in the great tradition of Asimov, H.G.Wells and Bradbury, but I have to say that now I'm embarrassed to admit I entertained such a notion even though I was just a kid. Worst part is, I have since read similar theories by GROWN-UPS, some even wilder (if you really get bored check out the Cydonia sites on the net). Who knows, maybe we really ARE Martian mutts. Maybe it's something far more fantastic. Like I said before, there is way too much information out there, and all it does is create more speculation, perhaps by design to draw attention away from top secret experiments that sometimes are briefly exposed. One thing is for sure. If we are in fact being visited by ETs there are people out there who know for sure , but either they're not talking or they're talking but can't prove it. Ironically, the ones who aren't talking probably can prove it. Then you have guys like Gary Stollman, who at first I thought might be part of some "Blue Book" type organization, but he's too kooky even for disinformation purposes. However, the fact that there needs to be disinformation programs at all to me confirms some sort of cover-up conspiracy. I can't believe it's to protect the general public from being scared. If you wanna get scared just watch the evening news.

So it looks like we really do have an 'X-files' kind of scenario going on, to what extent and to what end I can't begin to speculate on. The easy answer would be that this is an ongoing hoax created or at least perpetuated by elements of the military to smokescreen sensitive aerospace projects. The hard answer is that these same military elements have known for years about these visitors and have kept it secret so they could "vulture-ize" (hey, cool! I made up a word) any of their technology that turned up without being scrutinized, regulated, or be forced into sharing their discoveries. The UNTHINKABLE answer is that we have had CONTACT for years kept secret as part of some covert colonization or "re-integration" program (return of the Cydonians?). The answer I WANT to believe is that they are here completely oblivious to us all like anthropologists hiding in the grass and are watching over us making sure we don't self destruct before the time comes to make first contact. (wow! I could be in a cult!)

I suppose there is a fifth answer. That would be all of the above . It's possible that all these things are happening at some level but are not as tightly linked together as we would like to think. We think of 'them' keeping secrets from 'us', but how many secrets do 'they' keep from each other? Covert agencies could exist within the same governmental framework and yet be completely unaware of each other's agendas, even at the highest levels of security clearance.

I really don't know what to think about all this, but for that matter, does anyone really care? If all these things are true and tomorrow everything from the last 50 years was de-classified would it change the way people work, live, and take care of their families ? not really. you will still be paying on your Visa/Mastercard until the day you die. Would the religions of the world collapse ? shaken but not stirred. biblical subjectivity is down to a science. Would the nations of the world seek to take up defenses and wage war with one another ? oops! too late, never mind. Would it be the biggest news story ever ? It would go on a long time but not as long as the Monica Lewinsky story. Would people lose trust in their leaders ? okay now we're just gettin' silly. Would it change our perspectives on the future and our place in the grand scheme of things ? Bingo! now you're talkin'! Even if the world was notified tomorrow that 'resistance is futile - prepare to be assimilated', at least it would be a much needed swift kick in our complacency. Most likely first contact would be to notify us that this little genetic experiment has been a huge failure and it's time to hit the reset button. On the upside, we did make them laugh.
Seriously, though, I don't understand why this is all so hush-hush cloak & dagger top secret, unless 'they' really DON'T have anything beyond their own scavenger hunts, or the end motives are so sinister that if known would spark anarchy.

Well, to coin a phrase, "the truth is out there". Someday someone will offer up prove positive of the existence or non-existence of ETs visiting Earth. I've read stuff by those who claim to speak the truth and insist that they will not be silenced because that would prove them right. But really, since when has that been a deterrent to assassination? Whoever spills the beans on this one will have to do more than talk. It will mean the theft of government evidence and documents with an immediate thrust into the media limelight, and a powerful, well hidden third party to entrust this evidence to when he gets busted, discredited or silenced. If and when this person does finally come forward I only ask for one thing : PLEASE, no more creepy autopsy videos.


