After nearly 10 years I finally posted some pics of the jam room. Not much has changed, just more clutter. But it's a good clutter.
Also: This page is extremely heavy and will take a long time to load if you have a slow connection.

The low-voltage lamp above this welcome sign in the stairwell was made with a DC converter, a 12 volt bulb and a Bic pen. Incredibly, it has burned non-stop now for 12 years.

This was an "open" basement, and was not acoustically sound until I partitioned it off using scrap 2 X 4s, old carpeting and plywood.

All of the cold air ducts are carpeted to reduce both resonance and upstairs noise.

This wall was added later and was constructed of 2 X 4s and paneling with eggshell foam backing.

5 mics cover the drums with the option to add 5 more if needed.

The rack is pretty much just a stereo system now, although it provides additional monitors for computer playback.

This mixer is monitors only and is not directly patched to the computer. It receives sends from the Firewire below.

The Presonus FP10 is the heart of it all. 10 in 10 out.

"View from the Bar"

No studio would be complete without a musician's "toolbox"

Inevitably, it all ends up here.