These are a few wallpaper backgrounds I have collected from various sites and media. There are lots of art sites out there, especially digital art sites. is by far the most extensive. You must be a member to view their galleries but the sign up sheet is fast, there's no spam, no ad software,
and it's free no strings attached. Well worth the 5 minute registration. These, on the other hand, are images you probably won't find elsewhere on the internet without some pianstakingly
creative surfing. A few were made from scratch, most are modifications of downloaded images. I categorized them by theme rather than by medium in case you're looking for something specific,
but all of them are worth a look. The drawings section has little value as desktop wallpaper but I include it in the hope it will inspire me to someday pick up a pencil again. The rest make
great backgrounds, especially in 24 / 32-bit and even in 256 color mode. As far as I know, so long as I receive no compensation or make any creative claim, these can be freely distributed
to whoever would like to use them (so long as they receive no compensation). If the authors of these works feel otherwise please e-mail me and I will remove yours at once. enjoy!